In this installment of the now-monthly Investor Office Hours Q&A session, we briefly review several of the latest updates and features added to the marketplace in the last month, such as:
- Expanded Standing Orders automated investing to all members
- Setting minimum limits to eXchange offers
- Added advanced filtering capabilities to more easily sort through eXchange listings
- Updated the algorithm behind our Analyst Benchmark prices
- Removed marketplace fees for investors who place the opening bid on an auction they won
We also took investors' questions, including:
- Benefits of the All Access investor program
- How LTM works
- Tips on creating royalty valuations
- Why artists sell royalties
... and much more.
As always, if you'd like to participate in our next Investor Office Hours session (scheduled for July 9), you can register using the link below. Attendance is capped at 100 to ensure we can answer everyone's questions, so reserve your spot today.