Using Auctions to Fund Charitable Causes

Women's rights activist uses Royalty Exchange to raise funds for a worthy cause.
December 12, 2016
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Artists come to Royalty Exchange to raise money for many different reasons. Sometimes it’s to fund a new music project or finance a tour. Other times it’s for emergency living expenses, or even to diversify into new areas of business.

But when Alicia Angel came to us, it was to help others rather than herself. See, Angel is more than just a songwriter — she is a women's rights activist who wanted to fund her humanitarian work by selling part of her royalties.

“I needed to raise money quickly to produce a music video in both Kenya and Argentina, as part of a PR campaign to raise money awareness for girls escaping female genital mutilation and child marriage in Kenya,” Angel explained.

It seems only fitting that the royalties she decided to sell for this purpose were her songwriter’s share of select songs from the hit animated children’s series “Dora and Friends.” Rather than selling off her entire stake, Angel sold just 33% of her royalties for an opening asking price of $4,000.

Over the last 12 months, this portion of the asset earned $1,892.63 in royalties. Three days and 28 bids later, the auction closed at $9,300, earning her more than twice what she came in hoping for.

“If you need money upfront, this is definitely the best way to go,” Angel said. “Yeah, I’m giving up some of my future royalties, but I didn’t have to give up all of them, so I’m not losing out. I’m getting what I need now and someone else is benefiting by getting a royalty revenue stream they’re looking for.”

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