Music Royalty Funds: A New Way to Invest

For a long time, only music industry insiders could benefit from these royalties. But now, there's a new way for regular people to get involved - music royalty funds.
September 17, 2024
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What are Music Royalty Funds?

Music royalty funds are a fresh and exciting investment option. It allows you to invest in music without being directly involved in the music industry. Instead, these funds focus on buying music rights already generating income.

Music royalty funds are investment groups that purchase the rights to music that is already earning money through royalties. And these funds work by acquiring existing music rights from various sources, including:

  • Artists and songwriters who own the rights to their music
  • Music publishers and record labels that own large catalogs of music
  • Estates and heirs of deceased artists and songwriters

They acquire music rights for these songs, and as a result, investors can expect reliable returns.

Here’s how the process typically works:

  1. Research and identification: The fund identifies potential music rights to obtain based on factors such as the music's popularity, royalty income, and market demand.
  2. Negotiation: The fund negotiates with the owner of the music rights to agree on a purchase price.
  3. Due diligence: The fund conducts thorough research on the music rights, including reviewing contracts, royalty statements, and other relevant documents.
  4. Acquisition: The fund acquires the music rights, either by purchasing them outright or by entering into a licensing agreement with the owner.
  5. Administration: The fund administers the music rights, including collecting royalties, managing licensing agreements, and enforcing copyright protections.

Benefits of Investing in Royalty Funds

Investing in royalty funds offers a unique opportunity to earn a steady income, higher profit margins, diversification, and passive income. Let's explore each of these benefits in more detail.

Steady Income

Royalty funds provide a regular income stream from royalties. When you invest in a royalty fund, you buy a share of the royalties generated by a portfolio of music assets. And these royalties are paid out to the fund by music streaming services, radio stations, and other music users.

For example, let's say you invest in a royalty fund that owns the rights to a popular song. Every time that song is played or streamed on a music platform, the fund earns a royalty. These royalties are then distributed to the investors in the fund. That’s the reason why it generally provides a regular income stream.

According to a report by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), the global music industry generated $19.1 billion in revenues in 2020, with royalties accounting for a significant portion of that total.

Higher Profit Margins

Another benefit of music royalty funds is higher profit margins compared to traditional music companies. This is because royalty funds don't have the same level of expenses as traditional music companies, such as artist development costs, marketing expenses, and overhead.

For example, a traditional music company might spend millions of dollars on artist development, marketing, and other expenses to promote a new album. On the flip side, a royalty fund simply owns the rights to the music and collects royalties without incurring these expenses.

As a result, royalty funds can offer higher profit margins to investors. According to a report by the music industry publication Music Business Worldwide, royalty funds can offer profit margins of up to 20%, compared to traditional music companies, which may have profit margins of around 5-10%.


Investing in royalty funds can also provide diversification benefits. 

As you know, music royalties are a unique asset class not correlated with traditional asset classes such as stocks, bonds, or real estate. What this means is that investing in royalty funds can help reduce the overall risk of an investment portfolio. 

Basically, you’re adding a new asset class to the mix where you can spread the risk and potentially increase your returns.

Passive Income

Finally, investing in royalty funds offers the benefit of passive income. 

Once you've invested in a royalty fund, you don't need to actively manage the investment. The fund is managed by professionals who handle the day-to-day tasks of collecting royalties and distributing them to investors. So, you just have to really wait. You can earn income without having to put in a lot of time or effort. 

Comparison with Direct Ownership


If you want to invest in music royalty funds, consider your goals and risk tolerance. Music royalty funds can be a great way to diversify your portfolio and earn a steady income, but they may not be suitable for everyone.

For those who want to get started, platforms like Royalty Exchange provide a marketplace where you can buy and sell royalty assets. This is really a great way to get involved in the music industry and earn a share of the royalties generated by popular songs and albums. Invest in music today and reap the benefits of earning passive income from music rights whose value is independent of macroeconomic markets.

We’ve prepared this guide on Royalty Investing Made Easy to help you get started with investing in music royalty catalogs. This is the best guide for understanding why music royalties are one of the best passive income ideas of 2024 and sign up now to begin your journey into music royalty investing. Discover why so many investors today are using Royalty Exchange to buy royalties to expand and diversify their portfolio. Get your hands on your favorite music catalog today!

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